Friday, January 04, 2008


Another year gone by ....and for the better or worse the life has moved on. New friends and new heartbreaks, new stories, new perspectives, new movements, new shops, new highs, and new lows too....well that is life isnt it?

And the hope that we live with after day ...that the bright shining sun might bring a sudden change ...metamorphosis in us sometimes; and sometimes in others and most times in the the situations confronting us. How do we humans live hoping for miracles to happen always is something amazing. And in our enthusiasm for absolute miracles to transform our lives..we forget to even notice the small wonderful and significant miracles happening in our midst. A child born and growing up ..for instance is the most fabulous experience and miracle in itself. Do i sound crazy?

Perhaps i am... because i seem to be the one who thinks life as it is a wonderful experience. And many a times feel like an almost invincible warrier in this battlefield of life. Sometimes my attitude gets to people around and think i am absolutely a strong willed person...others think i am stubborn.....whatever i am....i have just learned to live and live it on my terms and making or atleast trying to make the people around me....the near and dear ones happy while letting them live it on their terms too. Of course all of us know and i am sure sympathise with me when i say...success in measuring happiness generated by one person for the sake of others is a different yardstick....but i do try.

So when i was wondering what resolutions to make this year....i thought why not just live life and at the end of this year feel i have had the most happiest year....yeah...that is precisely my effort this year. Be happy and live happy...lolllllllllllll

1 comment:

Raghavan N said...

Hey Mamatha:

great musings! Living life in our own terms is an absolute necessity today! one may appear stubborn, but tenacity is all about staying there even when things get tough!
Have a great new year!