Wednesday, July 12, 2006

good human beings

Thats my 2 1/2 year old. He is an absolute bundle of joy for us and has changed our lives. The other day I was at a school function of my brother in law's child and the chief guest - a behavioural scientist touched a right chord in many of us parents and teachers alike by saying that its children who have brought us- teachers, parents together and created an institution called school for the betterment of children who are the future of this country.

Its so important to spot nurture and develop the children as "good human beings". I am sure every parent would say the same. But how many of us can decipher the true meaning of this. We just say this as other than being doctors, actors, engineers, architects, scientists, economists, managers we havent actually thought about it. To me a good human being is one who apart from being nice and helpful to fellow human beings they also have the capability to distinguish between good, bad and ugly and able to decide to do the right thing.

1 comment:

Ishita said...

How true! But the dilemma of today’s world is, that we want to build children into successful professional be it Executives, doctors, IT engineers so on so forth through competition, killing instinct, diplomacy, urge to leave others behind and be ahead of every one etc. Unfortunately these characteristics do not go hand in hand with being a good human being who believes in justice, equity, team work, willing ness to help and support others to move forward.